Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
What do YOU think I should say here?

July 2008
« Jun   Aug »
Filed under: General
Posted by: Abby @ 8:31 am

Hi everyone. Gosh golly gee, I’m so darn tired because I just got up five minutes ago!!! But I can write like I’m hyper!!!!!!


*coughity cough* Yes well, anyway….

We went to the Franklin Institute a few days ago. (Ironically enough, the same day we got WiiFit….) We saw the Pirates Exhibit! ARGGGG!!! Swash swash, buckle buckle!! I think that it was pretty fun. We saw the actual sole of the boot of an actual pirate! And we saw some cool tackish things! And there were all of these wax figures of pirates, too! I think that one of them looked like Ragetti from Pirates of the Caribbean!!! (Oh yes, and there were also some boring old trunkfukls of treasure…. :D) After that was over, we went to the IMAXXXXXXXXX!!!! We saw this cool video about the Grand Canyon…. and it felt like we were actually there!! The only annoying part was that these kids above us kept screaming for like no reason… I wanted to turn my head and shake my fist at them…. but I was too absorbed in the movie….

(BTW, the IMAX is a huge dome-shaped movie theater at the Franklin. When you see a movie there, it feel very realistic.)

After the IMAX, we toured the rest of the museum. We went through the heart, where an obnoxious group of camp kids were going in BACKWARDS, so it was really hard to get through. Sarah and Julianne used this aging machine, where it can take a picture of you and make you look like 70!!! It was tres creepay (Pronounced tray, creepay, in case you were wondering). Then we went through a billion trillion more rooms, like the airplane room, and the train room, and the atsronaut room, and the KidScience room, and the Amazing Machines room…… yeah. It was pretty cool, and I look forward to going again.

OH YEAH! And in the cafeteria, they were naming foods after piraty stuff! Like my cheeseburger was the Buchaneer CheeseBurger, Grace’s pizza was the Piece’s of Eight Pizza, and so on… And they had sandwichs named after PoTC characters! Like the Barbossa Turkey sandwich. And the vegetable ciabatta was Captain Jack Sparrow!!!! (I don’t even know what a vegetable ciabatta is….) And my favorite sandwich, (the Italian Hoagie) of course, had to be DAVY JONES!!!! GRRRR!!!!!!!!! They also had The Black Pearl Garden Salad. Beautiful.

Well, that’s about it. Hopefully this longish post has inspired more of the people of America to go to the Franklin Institue. G’bye!!!!!!!

