Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
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April 2024
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Nickname Changes!
Filed under: General
Posted by: Gracie @ 6:01 pm

I have decided that it’s okay to change your nickname, but whenever you do you have to leave a comment on THIS POST saying your new nickname and who you really are. EXAMPLE:

New nickname: Gabriella’sTwin

Real Name: Grace

67 Responses to “Nickname Changes!”

  1. Arya Says:
    This is my new nick name.
  2. Sharpay Says:
    Who was Arya, Alyssa or Lydia?
  3. Arya Says:
    I’m not telling! Oh fine, its Lydia.
  4. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    I love your new name Lydia!
  5. LucyP0104 Says:
    And Sharpay is Abby, right?
  6. Leslpevensie Says:
    I am changing to Leslpevensie
  7. Leslie_Burke Says:
    I mean Leslie_Burke and this is Emily.
  8. Sharpay Says:
    Yeah I’m abby. Then again…. ;)
  9. Arya Says:
    Thanks Gracie! I like yours too! So did you and Abby sign up for softball yet? We are tonight. I hope we are on the same team!
  10. Sharpay Says:
    ladeda……… we signed up in december… ladeda…….
  11. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    That would be awesome if we were on the same team! :)
  12. Arya Says:
    I know! I signed up for age 12 and under, what age did you guys sign up for?
  13. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    Same! Abbs was GOING to be in 10 and under, but the evil people said she could be in the 12s.
  14. Sharpay Says:
    They are not evil! They are incredibly nice.
  15. Alyssa Says:
    I’m sorry Grace.
  16. Alyssa Says:
    My Dad had to sign me up for travel softball! We have to travel to like Lansdale! I have to start working on my pitching!
  17. Mystery person Says:
  18. Alyssa Says:
    Who’s Mystery person???
  19. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    Excuse me, the rules clearly state that when you change your nikname you must state who you really are.
  20. N D girl Says:
    Wait! Don’t tell us who you are. It’s me Alyssa, and I’m going to become Nancy Drew and solve this mystery. Is that ok with you Grace?
  21. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    Yep, it’s fine with me!
  22. Mystery person Says:
    Sure go ahead, but you’ll never figure out who I’m am! Hahahahahaw!
  23. Alyssa Says:
  24. Sharpay Says:
    Emily, stop it.
  25. Arya Says:
    Its obvious that it is Emily. And I was going to be Nancy Drew girl too, but I liked Arya.
  26. N D girl Says:
    Hey I’m Nancy Dew and I get to say who it is or isn’t. And well, since you guys blamed Emily you both are on the top of my suspect list.
  27. Sharpay Says:
    Lydia, what you said about Emily wasn’t nice.
  28. Sharpay Says:
    Wait!! I’ll bet its you Alyssa!!!!!!
  29. Leslie_Burke Says:
    No, it isn’t me. You know I wouldn’t do that. I bet it’s Alyssa or Lydia…can’t you just tell us who you are, rulebreaker?
  30. Arya Says:
    What??? I promise you that I didn’t sound mean. And you said,” Emily, stop it.” And that sounded mean. And I’m really sorry, I did not mean to sound mean
  31. Sharpay Says:
    I know that it is Alyssa, I just know it!!!!
  32. N D girl Says:
    Well how could I be the detective and the mystery person? And Abby since YOU blamed me, the detective, then I bet YOU are him.
  33. N D girl Says:
    Can you guys stop trying to guess who it is, I’M the detective, and it’s really driving me crazy. But mystery person it would help if you just left a little clue.
  34. Mystery person Says:
    Why? It’s fun watching you guys guess who I am.
  35. Arya Says:
    Actually, you are Alyssa Wiley who is 14, not 19! And I think it is Emily because she hasn’t written her regular name down in a long time, + When I was over Abby’s house I saw her write,”Emily, stop it”. So once again, Lydia solves a mystery! :)
  36. Sharpay Says:
    I am not the mystery person!!! Lydia, this is your last warning.
  37. Arya Says:
    No! I wasn’t accusing you, I was accusing Emily!
  38. N D girl Says:
    please don’t guess or say your not the mystery person peoples, I’M TRYING TO SOLVES THIS CASE!
  39. Sharpay Says:
    Guys, I’ve put my cards down. I’LL solve this case tonight, and you’ll see how I’ll do it.
  40. N D girl Says:
  41. N D girl Says:
    Abby pleeeeeaase don’t, I want to solve it.
  42. Arya Says:
    I actually think its Stehanie now.
  43. N D girl Says:
    Who’s Stehanie? You mean Stephenie?
  44. N D girl Says:
    Okay I know who it is and I’m gonna let you guys try to guess e-mail me and I tell you if your right.
  45. Sharpay Says:
  46. Arya Says:
    Yeah, sorry, I meant Stephanie, but now I think its Abby.
  47. Sharpay Says:
    No, it is not me. If it were me it would be blue and underlined. Please stop randomly accusing people, Lydia.
  48. Leslie_Burke Says:
    Yeah. It really bugs me and almost makes me cry when you guys keep accusing me. And I promised!!!
  49. N D girl Says:
    You guys this is for fun! It shouldn’t make you sad. Since people are sad now you guys are NOT aloud to accuse someone. You have to e-mail me. And please don’t say that you didn’t do it because it’s a mystery for you to solve.
  50. Sharpay Says:
    GUYS!!!! This isn’t fun anymore!
  51. N D girl Says:
  52. Sharpay Says:
    Because everyone on this blog are posting mean comments like: ___, I KNOW it is you. And stuff like that!!! It makes everyone suspicious of each other. I hate this!!!
  53. Leslie_Burke Says:
    Me too! Just stop it, everyone!!!
  54. Sharpay Says:
    me and Emily both felt like crying today! SO EVERYBODY STOP IT!! NOW!!!!
  55. Arya Says:
    Abigail, I have to admit that you are being really mean.
  56. Leslie_Burke Says:
    It’s Alyssa. Case ended.
  57. Sharpay Says:
    I am not trying to be mean. Now that we know that it is you, Alyssa, all talk about this will be ended.
  58. Arya Says:
    No, its not that, you were really hurting me and Alyssa’s feelings on the way you talked to us.
  59. Sharpay Says:
    Case closed, everybody. We are all going to forget about it, and pray for Lucy, Alyssa and lydia’s dog!!!
  60. Arya Says:
    Um, thanks.
  61. Leslie_Burke Says:
    Ummm…who’s being Annasophia Robb???
  62. Georgie Henly Says:
    Its Alyssalu. Tee hee, thats her nick name I made up for her.
  63. Georgie Henly Says:
    No, it was actually Lissylu.
  64. N D girl Says:
  65. Annasophia Robb Says:
    I thought you guys new this, but I’m ALYSSA not LYDIA!!!!
  66. Gabriella'sTwin Says:
    This is too confusing, sorry.
  67. Annasophia Robb Says:
    It’s ok.

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