Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
What do YOU think I should say here?

May 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: Gracie @ 10:18 am

Does anybody speak any languages other than English?? Or are you learning any? Other than English, I speak Pirate, Pig Latin, and I’m learning Spanish.

Me llamo Mila en Espanol. Como estan ustedes??

^If you can understand what that says, I’ll be pleased.

Also, can you speak in accents? :p that’s a random question, but it’s fun to speak in accents, especially British and Irish ones. :D

16 Responses to “Languages”

  1. N D girl Says:
    I can speak latin (but not fluently), pig latin, and I’m learning Spanish.
  2. N D girl Says:
    You said ‘Your a llama in Spanish. Can you understand?’ Hee hee, just guessing.
  3. Miss Elizabeth Swann Says:
    Haha! It actually means: “My name is Mila in Spanish. How are all of you doing?” At least, I think so. I think it’s cool that you are learning Latin. I tried a couple years ago, but my mom and I never got past the first lesson. :O
  4. N D girl Says:
    I don’t really like latin because this is my fourth or fifth year taking it, and Im really tired of it. Its just so hard sometimes!
  5. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    I take German. I’ve been taking it for a few years. Also, I speak pig latin. I like doing accents (it’s fun!), but I’m not very good:(.
  6. Abby Says:
    Oh, come on, compare your English accent to MINE, Emily!
  7. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Yeah. Like I said. I’m reeeeeeeeeeeally bad at it.
  8. Abby Says:
    I meant that mine is atrocious and yours is good.
  9. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Is this considered argueing? Just curious cause I was gonna say something then I remembered. (Wow! that could use a few commas, couldn’t it?)
  10. Abby Says:
    Nope, not arguing. Just discussing. :D
  11. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Good. Anyway, where was I?
  12. Abby Says:
  13. N D girl Says:
    Hey, whats this about Emily seeing Ashley Tisdale in the mall? Please do tell.
  14. Abby Says:
    I know that you’re not going to belive me, but Ashley tisdale was at the Willow Grove Mall on Tuesday evening.
  15. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Yesssssss!!!! It was sooooooo cool I can’t beleive she was actually like, less than for feet away from me!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! *Faints*
  16. Emily Says:
    I’m okay now.

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