Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
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Whatcha gonna be?
Filed under: General
Posted by: Abby @ 7:18 pm

Hey everyone! What are you going to be for halloween? I’m being Captain Jack Sparrow!! (I know, Jack obsession)

26 Responses to “Whatcha gonna be?”

  1. N D girl Says:
    If I’m going to go trick-or-treating, I’m going as a hippie. :D
  2. Abby Says:
    Wow, dude, that is totally, like, sweet, man! hah. Why would you not go trick or treating? Everyone loves candy!
  3. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    I’m being Elizabeth from POTC. It’s a really cool costume:
  4. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    That didn’t work, did it?
  5. N D girl Says:
    My mom says I’m too old and that I should just hand candy out instead. But I have a friend who’s 16 and we are probably going to go and try to get candy anyways. Hmmmm…. Maybe if I dress up as a baby no one will notice, dude!
  6. Abby Says:
    You are not too old! I’m going to go trick-or-treating when I am 22 years old!!
  7. N D girl Says:
    Good luck trying to get some candy when your 22. Maybe if you go to a nice little old lady’s house, she might give you candy and other stuff.
  8. Miss Elizabeth Swann Says:
    I’m getting my costume tonight. I’m being a random pirate!! Yay! :p I think when I grow up I’ll go trick-or-treating with my kids… and no, of course they won’t be embarrassed that their mom is still dressing up as weird characters!!
  9. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Hehe…I like your wig, Abby.
  10. N D girl Says:
    This one boy on my volleyball team is having a party on Halloween, but its gonna be so boring because its not even a costume party! So my whole volleyball team might be mad at me and my friend for not coming, but we rather get tuns of candy instead of standing around all night and talking about cheese cubes.
  11. Abby Says:
    That’s really boring! but how are u going to tell him that you don’t want 2 go??
  12. N D girl Says:
    I probably won’t tell him. He won’t even know I’m not there!
  13. N D girl Says:
    My friend and I might be Thing one and Thing two from the cat in the hat instead. It’s a cheep costume (because we’re making them)but the only problem is we are going to have to die are hair blue!
  14. Abby Says:
    That’s a good idea! You could just use the cheap dye, it’ll always wash out.
  15. N D girl Says:
    Yeah, we’re using tis die that you spray on your hair like hair spray.
  16. Abby Says:
    Yup, that’s what I meant. :)
  17. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Oh, I used that stuff a fw years ago for Halloween! It worked pretty well, except when I washed it out it got all over the shower.
  18. Dad Says:
    Anyone who leaves gook in the shower is responsible for cleaning it up.
  19. Abby Says:
    I nebu weev gook in de showa, Daddy!
  20. N D girl Says:
    Does it really come out well Emily? Because I have a 3 hour drama class the next day and I don’t want to show up with blue hair!
  21. N D girl Says:
    Hmmm…. What language is that Abby? Sounds like a little baby/Spanish. Oh I know it’s Banish!
  22. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    It was easy to clean up, though…I think…gee, that was a long time ago.
  23. Abby Says:
    It’s baby. Gagagagaga….
  24. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
  25. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    Oh. Now I know what you meant. Never mind.
  26. Emily Says:
    Lalalalalalalala…or should I say falalalalala!!!

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