Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
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A really great movie.
Filed under: General
Posted by: Abby @ 8:00 am

Hey guyses,

If you’re looking for a great Christian movie to watch, I would suggest Fireproof. (It just came out in theaters) It’s about a firefighter captain dude, and he and his wife are having some marriage problems. They start thinking about divorce, but then Caleb’s (the firefighter) dad gives him a book. It has forty pages, and is a forty-day program. He is supposed to do the one page every day, and it will help his marriage. Caleb wasn’t a Christian before, but the book and his dad help him to be a Christian. What happens at the end? I’m not telling you, but I can tell you that parts of the movie are hilarious, and I’m sure you will enjoy it. And as a side-note, they didn’t have a great budget to make the movie, so it may not seem like a Hollywood picture to you, but don’t judge it badly. It’s an inspirational movie and I would see it again

Rating info: The movie’s rated PG, but there are a couple of scary scenes. There’s a scene where a car is caught on train tracks while a train is headed toward it, and there’s a scene where Caleb has to get a child out of a severly burning house. Also, there are some intense yelling scenes between Caleb and his wife, Catherine. Other than that, the movie’s great. I cried practically the entire time. :_) <Crying happy smiley.

Okay, you’ve heard about it, now go see it!!


12 Responses to “A really great movie.”

  1. Mom Says:
    Some interesting facts about this movie that I didn’t know: it was made by a church and the proceeds will go to a park for the town where the church is located. The actor, Kirk Cameron is kissing his own wife in the film, to honor and protect his own marriage. They shot it in silhouette. Gals, you had great comments about the movie on the way home. Hopefully it will encourage some thoughts about the qualities you hope for in a mate.
  2. Abby Says:
    Yeah, I read that stuff too. It’s pretty durn cool. :) A mate?!? Who said anything about a mate?!??!? That’s at least twenty years away, for gosh sakes. ;)
  3. Lissy Says:
    lol! love ya abby! ;D
  4. Lissy Says:
    lydia thought it was really good too! I love Kirk Cameron in growing pains! so cute! i don’t really like his sister though (DJ from full house). but that was his real wife in the movie?! cool! yeah i heard a lot of the extra actors were from a church who vaulenteered. or sometin like dat. anyways, i love growing pains!
  5. Lissy Says:
    wow random! (sorry a little hiper)
  6. Abby Says:
    Hehehehe…. :) It was really good. I’m glad Lydia liked it.
  7. Lissy Says:
    saweet!! gotta see it! just gotta!
  8. Lissy Says:
    to grace: i tried to text you yesterday but i’m not sure you knew it was from me….so if you got a text with a creepy smiley face that says hi on it, and a message thas sometin like “hey girl how are ya?” it’s from me ;D
  9. Lissy Says:
    so i was playin volleyball tonight (havin lots of fun) when i kinda slid on my knee in a weird way (twice) and now it really hurts. i’m just icing it right now but hopin it will be better in the morning.
  10. Lissy Says:
    wow, i just keep goin on and on and on and on. so bored! and i don’t want to go to bed! i think i’ll just go read. ttyl ;D
  11. Lissy Says:
    oh and guess what? i’m finally reading harry potter 6! woot woot! i think i’m almost done….
  12. Emily Says:
    Alllllright…good for you…hope your knee gets better.

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