Marchione Kids of Central Bucks
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May 2024
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Random Thoughts
Filed under: Abigail
Posted by: Abby @ 11:26 am

This post is going to be TOTALLY random thoughts!

Vacation was fun.

I like cheese  

Swimming is cool

I want to meet Georgie Henley and William Moseley.

Computer is fun.

I say bye-bye now.

45 Responses to “Random Thoughts”

  1. Stephanie Says:
  2. Grace Says:
  3. Abigail Says:
  4. Lucy P. Says:
    Wait, aren’t you Abby and that’s Grace? Or are you Grace and that’s Abby? This is confusing!!!
  5. Alyssa Says:
    Green is awsome!!!
  6. Laura McIntyre Says:
    I like cheese to. I hope you are doing okay. I really want to see you. I wish we lived closer to each other. I mean, I can’t be telling my dad to drive up and back to your house every day. The ride is about 45 minutes. My mom said we might invite all of you over for dinner or lunch sometime soon (hopefully. my mind forgets everything people say. i hope she really did say that!!!). I think of you guys as my cousins. You really are my best friends. (except for Kaiser, but your my best human friends)
  7. Lucy P. Says:
    Where did that come from?
  8. Lucy P. Says:
    I mean, the green thing?
  9. Lucy P. Says:
    My random thoughts: I never go on vacation anymore. I would faint if I met Georgie Henley and William Moseley. I hope the story I sent into NarniaFans gets published. Bye Bye.
  10. Alyssa Says:
    Green was my random thought. 
  11. Lydia Says:
    I think blue is better!
  12. Alyssa Says:
    It is not!!
  13. Lydia Says:
    YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Lucy P. Says:
  15. Edmund P. Says:
    NO IT IS NOT!!!!! BLUE IS!!!!!
  16. Lucy P. Says:
    I like ice cream. And opera…
  17. Alyssa Says:
    Hey, that was a good random thought!
  18. Alyssa Says:
    I’m eating pretzels right now!
  19. Alyssa Says:
    Hey, that was a realy good random thought! Good job to me!
  20. Edmund P. Says:
    Alyssa, you are crazy, not weird.
  21. Lucy P. Says:
    I’m gonna get pretzels soon! I like Charlie Brown…
  22. Edmund P. Says:
    Heres a random thought, my dog likes to show off her toys and bones.
  23. Lucy P. Says:
    Pickles and pies…oooh! That ws a good one!
  24. Alyssa Says:
    Birdhouse! Bet you guys would never of thought of that!
  25. Edmund P. Says:
    Or how about, spaughetti dancing to the high school musical sound track while drinking tomato soup coffie and cutting out pictures of snow flakes and cracking eggs while riding on penguins while swimming under water and it is raining cheese cubes and math books! *me gasping for breath* Do, I have a colorful imagination? Cool! Unicorns are flying out side my window!
  26. Lucy P. Says:
    What about There’s a teddy bear shopping while watching Narnia in High definition TV while talking on a cell phone that was dancing to drums that were being played by men wearing purple and blue clothes swimming in a bottle of lemonade eating applesause that was flying and landing on the TV that the teddy bear was watching? Whooh! It’s a loop! Oh wait. Here’s some more: Then the teddy bear go upset and put the cell phone in her purse and bout 5 pickles sausages while dancing the maccarana on a skate board and using a remote control airplane to retreve his lost bicicle. Whew! I’m not a good speller ;+).
  27. Edmund P. Says:
    How about birds chasing peanut butter cookies while using tree branches as swords but all of a sudden ailens came and zapped them with their guns made out of plado and they had chicken but it burned their tongues so they died. The end!
  28. Lucy P. Says:
    Another one: There was a rainbow horse galloping over the rainbow. While his pet monkey was hurling cans of tomato juice at him, he took a coconut tree and made a hut where they served chicken and seeweed with tomato juice all day long.
  29. Alyssa Says:
    Ahhhhhhhh! This is soooooo CONFUSING!
  30. Edmund P. Says:
    Or this: A flying toilet rolling down the hill with his best friends toilet paper and plunger dressed as fire fighters and screaming. Also some dancing mouth wash bottles saved the day!
  31. Lucy P. Says:
    And fun!!!
  32. Edmund P. Says:
    Um, ok.
  33. Lucy P. Says:
    There once was a pint of applesause that was spoiled and thrown into the trash but it was still asking (OK, OK, SCREAMING) that he wanted a new playstation. Get it? Spoiled? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Anna Popplewell Says:
  35. Lulu Says:
    This isn’t the fun post ya know, Abby.
  36. Edmund P. Says:
    What does that mean?
  37. Alyssa Says:
    Are you mad?
  38. Arya Says:
    I think she is, are you mad Lulu?
  39. Laura Says:
    My mom says we can have a sleepover soon marchione’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  40. Leslie_Burke Says:
    Me is not mad. Me is HAPPY!!!
  41. N D girl Says:
    A SLEEP OVER WITH ME??? I don’t even know you, BUT FUN! (JK)
  42. Sharpay Says:
    YAAAY LAURA!! WOOOTWOOT!! I’ll call u soon!
  43. Leslie_Burke Says:
    Big gigantic bubbles.
  44. Emily Says:
    flashing cardboard. flowery tablecloth. big blue buttons.
  45. Emily (Lucy P.) Says:
    methinks turkey!

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